Presentation Award was established in the 44th Board of Directors for students who have made excellent presentations in order to activate JSASS. 10% or less of all student speakers are selected and the recipients must be a member of JSASS.
List of Recipients
The 58th Space Sciences and Technology Conference
12-14 November 2014
Ryo Morita (Shizuoka University)
Measurement of the atomic oxygen number density by wavelength modulation cavity spectroscopy Using Forbidden Line of Oxygen
Naoki Takaura (Tokyo University of Science)
Stress evaluation of thin-film Photovoltaic Cell for
Spacecraft’s Super- Lightweight Power Generation System
Atsuhito Kawahara (Kyoto University)
Shape Estimation of Space Debris Using MU Radar
The 46th Fluid Dynamics Conference/The 32nd Aerospace Numerical Simulation Symposium
3-4 July 2014
Masato Taguchi (Nagoya University)
Experimental Study on Twin Side-jets Interference in Hypersonic Flow around a Blunt Body
Yosuke Sugioka (Tohoku University)
Visualization of Transonic Buffet Phenomenon by Unsteady PSP
Daiki Terakado (The University of Tokyo)
Sound Source Distributions in Isotropic Compressible Turbulence
Masashi Kobayashi (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Sound Radiation from a Two-dimensional Protuberance in Laminar Boundary Layer
The 45th JSASS Annual Meeting
10-11 April 2014
Motoshi Harada (The University of Tokyo)
POD Analysis of Two-dimensional Unsteady Flow around I-beam
Yuma Fukushima (Tohoku University)
The Comparison of the Noise Shielding Effect with Different Nacelle Position on the Over-the-Wing Nacelle Configuration
Rei Kawashima (The University of Tokyo)
A computation method for electron fluids in quasi-neutral plasmas using a hyperbolic equation system